Katherine Colburn

Howdy! My name is Katherine Colburn. I grew up here in East Dallas, where I am wife to my wonderful husband, Cale, and mother to my sweet daughter Ruth. I graduated from Moody Bible Institute in 2019 where I studied the Word of God and developed an ardor for Church liturgy.

After graduating from Moody, I moved back to Dallas and began working as the worship leader at LHBC in August of 2020. Leading this congregation in song has been one of the greatest delights of my life so far! I have loved participating in the Lord’s beautiful redemption story through gathering with these Saints to confess our sins, lift our voices to the Lord, and partake in His table.

In my spare time, I love print-making,  reading anything recommended by a pal, losing track of time with great company, and beating my family at Settlers of Catan ; ).

Music Leader